increasing entropy of the universe

Posts Tagged “aws”

Fri 25 Jun 2021

Automate creation of AWS Stack

AWS CDK is a great framework to programmatically deploy cloudformation stack. If you are unfamiliar with AWS CDK, I would recommend first to check out [Getting started with AWS CDK](

Continue reading → aws cdk cloudformation typescript tutorial

Mon 14 Jun 2021

Getting Started with AWS CDK

Cloudformation service in AWS allows you to describe an entire set of resources required to make a pipeline. The cloudformation template can be described in JSON or YAML format. Updating the cloudformation template was not a pleasant experience. I wanted to discover alternative ways to generate cloudformation template programmatically...

Continue reading → aws cdk cloudformation typescript python

Fri 23 Oct 2020

Export DynamoDB Table to S3 Bucket Using Lambda Function

Dynamodb is a great NoSQL service by AWS. One of the most common use case is to export data to s3. There are multiple ways to export data to s3. For this tutorial we will leverage lambda function to achieve our goal...

Continue reading → aws lambda function dynamodb s3