increasing entropy of the universe

Posts Tagged “python”

Tue 21 Dec 2021

Course Schedule Leetcode Solution

There are a total of numCourses courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to numCourses - 1. You are given an array prerequisites where prerequisites[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that you must take course bi first if you want to take course ai...

Continue reading → leetcode graph bfs java python

Sat 18 Dec 2021

Remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii Solution

You are given a string s and an integer k, a k duplicate removal consists of choosing k adjacent and equal letters from s and removing them, causing the left and the right side of the deleted substring to concatenate together...

Continue reading → leetcode stack python java scala javascript

Wed 08 Dec 2021

Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

Questions involving the binary tree data structure are very popular in tech interviews, and can be challenging and varied! A binary tree is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes (starting at a root node), where each node consists of a value (data), together with a directed edges to at most two nodes (the "left child" and "right child"), with the additional conditions that no two edges point to the same node and no edge points to the root. I recently solved an interesting problem on binary tree...

Continue reading → leetcode java python javascript scala

Thu 04 Nov 2021

Ternary String solution Codeforces - 1354B

Ternary string is an interesting problem that could be solved using two pointers techniques. It's a convenient way to keep track of multiple indices. This helps in making decisions based on two values...

Continue reading → codeforces two pointers java python

Tue 02 Nov 2021

Coin Change solution leetcode

It's one of the most popular questions on leetcode that seems very easy at first. Coin change is a classic dynamic programming problem. I will proceed with an obvious (albeit wrong) solution and subsequently proceed to an efficient correct solution...

Continue reading → leetcode dp java python

Sun 12 Sep 2021

Maximum Subarray

There's an interesting problem I recently solved on leetcode based on dynamic programming. My Github repository contains list of all problems that I have solved. I often start with a brute force approach without fretting about time complexity. Later I try to improve my algorithm for a better efficient solution...

Continue reading → leetcode dp java python

Mon 14 Jun 2021

Getting Started with AWS CDK

Cloudformation service in AWS allows you to describe an entire set of resources required to make a pipeline. The cloudformation template can be described in JSON or YAML format. Updating the cloudformation template was not a pleasant experience. I wanted to discover alternative ways to generate cloudformation template programmatically...

Continue reading → aws cdk cloudformation typescript python

Thu 08 Apr 2021

How to Make(Or Lose) Money in Stocks Part1

Recently I finished watching web-series Scam 1992. It's based on story of Harshad Mehta, a famous Indian stockbrocker who made fortunes in stocks. Despite his iconic success & failure, the series rekindled my interest in world of "stocks". I guess the famous dialogue "Risk Hai Toh Ishq Hai" has stuck with me...

Continue reading → stocks python finance money google selenium

Thu 10 Dec 2020

EnvCommandError in Windows using Poetry

Poetry is a great dependency management tool in python. It's better than managing a flat file like `requirements.txt`. There are also other great tools like pipenv. However I found poetry much simpler in resolving dependencies...

Continue reading → windows python poetry bug

Fri 10 Jan 2020

Connect to an Oracle Database using kerberos with python

Jobs failed! Screamed an automatic failure alert in email inbox. Existing python scripts were failing in the server which fetched data from Oracle database. I wondered if the credentials had changed...

Continue reading → kerberos projects python docker oracle database