increasing entropy of the universe

Posts Tagged “audio”

Fri 24 Dec 2021

Wild Marriage

"Marriages are made in heaven" is an old adage quite prevalent across all cultures. Whether heaven harbors any interest in the mortal affair has still scant empirical evidence. However, there is a rare marriage that not only invites heaven's fury but also is consummated by mutual suicide...

Continue reading → science annihilation matter antimatter audio

Mon 13 Dec 2021

Lost Friends

Today I walked a little further,
further than yesterday.
while my feet ache and plead,
I dragged 'em without paying any heed...

Continue reading → poetry friends audio

Fri 01 Oct 2021

Dear Vishi, is snoring innocuous?

I was an intern working in Upstate New York. Public transport required hopping multiple trains & buses and was woefully tedious. I found some other interns who were willing to split the fare with me for Uber. Even a ride in Uber consumed more than two hours. Occasionally I used to steal a quick nap. After a siesta of a few hours, I had always woken up with a gaggle of laughter. My peers often pulled my leg, "You were snoring like a pig". However, I dismissed my faux pas as just a mere nuisance...

Continue reading → snoring sleep apnea diary lettetrs audio

Thu 16 Sep 2021

Dear Vishi, does a virus poop?

When the alarm clock breaks my slumber, I roll down on my bed, blindly crawling towards my alarm clock as if it was a bomb to diffuse it. After multiple snoozes, I relinquished my dreams and come to my senses. Gulping water after I wake up is my first activity. Next, I excuse myself to the bathroom for “nature call”. All living things from a simple bacteria to a giant dinosaur needs to perform two basic life function; eat and excrete...

Continue reading → virus diary letters audio

Fri 19 Jun 2020

Why homeopathy is so popular in India?

I recently came across a Youtube video of a famous Indian actress Genelia Deshmukh promoting homeopathic products. The Bollywood couple, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, has invested in Welcome Cure, a Homeopathy treatment service platform. Science has repeatedly dismissed homeopathy as quakery or at best placebo, but that has not deter companies or Indian government to continue to fund and research in homeopathy...

Continue reading → pseudoscience homeopathy ayurveda india audio

Sat 11 Apr 2020

Demon Haunted World's review part 1

This is my Part 1 of the review of Carl Sagan's book, Demon-Haunted World. This is more of my commentary rather than a review of the book.

I have begun to realize how many posts on Facebook, Whatsapp, etc contains pseudoscience and misinformation. Few posts are easy to debunk. Magic water curing cancer is a no-brainer. However other posts are too meticulous to debunk. I thought it might be fruitful for me as a layman to learn critical & skeptical thinking from a famous astrophysicist, Carl Sagan...

Continue reading → pseudoscience books review religion audio

Sun 30 Mar 2014

Romance with Moon

Often we meet,
Avoiding prying eyes secretly,
In between stretches a velvet sky,
Only gulf in between us apparently...

Continue reading → poetry romance moon audio

Sat 08 Feb 2014

Idea of God

I was lying around on a secluded meadow. Under the open sky I gazed at the clouds scudding by. Suddenly it seemed that I was drifting away. A scathing sound began to wreak the whole place. And the mischievous alarm pulled me out of my dreams...

Continue reading → god religion science audio