increasing entropy of the universe

Posts Tagged “pseudoscience”

Wed 03 Mar 2021

Famous breach of Trust in Cancer

I am currently reading The Emperor of Maladies. This is a fascination book where Siddhartha Mukherjee not only educate its readers about cancer disease but also shares interesting tidbits. Werner Bezwoda was an infamous oncologist who fudged data about bone marrow transplant in women with metastatic breast cancer...

Continue reading → pseudoscience cancer breast cancer bone marrow

Fri 19 Jun 2020

Why homeopathy is so popular in India?

I recently came across a Youtube video of a famous Indian actress Genelia Deshmukh promoting homeopathic products. The Bollywood couple, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, has invested in Welcome Cure, a Homeopathy treatment service platform. Science has repeatedly dismissed homeopathy as quakery or at best placebo, but that has not deter companies or Indian government to continue to fund and research in homeopathy...

Continue reading → pseudoscience homeopathy ayurveda india audio

Sat 11 Apr 2020

Demon Haunted World's review part 1

This is my Part 1 of the review of Carl Sagan's book, Demon-Haunted World. This is more of my commentary rather than a review of the book.

I have begun to realize how many posts on Facebook, Whatsapp, etc contains pseudoscience and misinformation. Few posts are easy to debunk. Magic water curing cancer is a no-brainer. However other posts are too meticulous to debunk. I thought it might be fruitful for me as a layman to learn critical & skeptical thinking from a famous astrophysicist, Carl Sagan...

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Thu 20 Dec 2018

Decoding ndtv darwin's theory debate

I wanted to decode an old debate that I saw on ndtv. It was about a controversy erupted by the comments of a junior Indian education minister, Satyapal Singh. He is India's Minister of State for Human Resource Development. He had claimed that evolution is "scientifically wrong" because he never **saw an ape turning into human being**...

Continue reading → pseudoscience evolution india ndtv news debate