increasing entropy of the universe

Posts Tagged “letters”

Thu 16 Sep 2021

Dear Vishi, does a virus poop?

When the alarm clock breaks my slumber, I roll down on my bed, blindly crawling towards my alarm clock as if it was a bomb to diffuse it. After multiple snoozes, I relinquished my dreams and come to my senses. Gulping water after I wake up is my first activity. Next, I excuse myself to the bathroom for “nature call”. All living things from a simple bacteria to a giant dinosaur needs to perform two basic life function; eat and excrete...

Continue reading → virus diary letters audio

Sun 27 Jun 2021

Dear Vishi, have you seen a ghost?

Do you believe in ghosts? I did when I was a kid. I was infatuated with the paranormal. Sometimes I used to wander around desolate buildings with other kids concocting horror stories. I loquaciously gossiped about ghosts in school which earned me a sizeable audience. I was convinced that someday I would stumble upon an innocuous spirit that would instill some unearthly powers in me...

Continue reading → diary letters infrasound

Fri 11 Jun 2021

Dear Vishi, what if Dehradun was in Nepal?

What’s a nationality? The idea of the nation-state is pretty modern. Ancient lands were usually under the suzerainty of kings & queens. While most emperors spilled blood to expand their kingdom, the common man was seldom concerned about borders...

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Mon 31 May 2021

Dear Vishi, what's a carcinogen?

If you are not living under a cave, you probably have already heard about carcinogens. News is often awash with headlines alerting perils of carcinogens. In a nutshell, these are substances that have the potential to cause cancer. Not all carcinogens cause cancer. Not all cancer is caused by carcinogens. Cancer is a complicated group of diseases. Of course, it’s not my forte to expound on the subject of cancer. However, we should try to understand how carcinogens are identified and what we should do to protect ourselves...

Continue reading → diary letters carcinogen meditation

Tue 25 May 2021

Dear Vishi, can you meditate like a monk?

Today I tried to meditate again. I used Insight Timer app for background sound. However I think I'll just stick to Youtube as it has more varieties. I struggled for 20 minutes sitting cross-legged as my mind wandered in the labyrinth of thoughts. I guess it will take more practice to hone my skill. Have you ever wondered how monks can meditate for countless hours or days?..

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Sun 23 May 2021

Dear Vishi, is there a time machine?

Did you remember we watched The Time Machine movie together? The protagonist loses his fiancée when a mugger kills her. He then builds a time machine to travel back in time to save her. Of course multiple movies have been made romanticizing the concept of time machine...

Continue reading → time diary letters

Sat 22 May 2021

Dear Vishi, can you mix Covid Vaccine?

Today the sleep was better. Yesterday I was sleep deprived. Hunger is the best ingredient to make any food delicious. Likewise a sound sleep is like a `manna from heaven` for me...

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Fri 21 May 2021

Dear Vishi, have you travelled to Virginia?

I didn't have proper sleep today. I could barely keep my eyes open. Empty stomach and a heavy mind is a disaster for sound sleep. Yesterday I was brooding too much while trying to sleep. I guess I need to filter noises in my mind. Proper sleep is the basic physiological need in Maslow's pyramid. I guess it's a blessed day not to have a insomnia...

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