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Sat 26 Dec 2015

Guide to install Arch Linux

I finally divorced Windows soon after I fell in love with Linux. Ubuntu was my first love. I met her on Distrowatch. But she spoke no English. So I spent hours gawking at her sleaky terminal trying to learn her language, bash...

Continue reading → Tags : arch linux install

Fri 20 Nov 2015

Quickly sort large file in linear time

Any deterministic general sorting algorithm has average case time complexity O(nlogn) . However, certain sorting algorithm can run faster in O(n) but with limitation. Instead of comparision-based sort, each element is looked individually by its value. Radix sort is one fine example of integer sorting...

Continue reading → Tags : lsd radix sort sorting cplusplus

Sat 22 Aug 2015

Why people like Programming

Imagine a sunset, with a tired sun sinking over a meadow. The chirping of birds steals your attention as they return to their homes. And while the sun disappears, you sink back and relish your sourrounding...

Continue reading → Tags : programming general