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Sat 07 Sep 2019

Recursively sort a array

I recently came across a simple telephonic interview problem. The problem was to sort an array recursively. But even numbers need to be placed before odd numbers. At first glance it was obvious that it was a simple case of implementation of merge sort...

Continue reading → Tags : programming interview merge sort sort java code

Wed 08 May 2019

Red Queen Race

When I was a kid, I was perturbed at the outbreaks of new diseases. There was no Swine Flue before twenty first century or HIV before tenth century. Why nature was hell-bent in pulling diseases out of a hat everytime humans make progress in science?..

Continue reading → Tags : biology evolution antibiotics

Tue 08 Jan 2019

Merge Two Sorted Lists

Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists...

Continue reading → Tags : programming leetcode code